
Extrudakerb is not an ordinary contracting business, it does not employ ordinary people, it does not accept ordinary performance levels, it is not satisfied with past performance, and it encourages and rewards the exceptional.

The desire is paramount to satisfy and exceed customer demands through innovation and hard work; to put quality, service and safety ahead of profitability and to ensure good lines of communication with our customers and members of our staff to maintain a safe and contented workplace.

The recent implementation of significant innovative technology not only improves productivity, quality of workmanship and offers best value as well as vastly improving health and safety practices.

Extrudakerb’s company ethos ‘Built on Innovation’ is what we hold truly valuable and inspire our workforce to achieve throughout all aspects of operations. This innovative business culture can be evidenced through witnessing our work methods in relation to automated saw cutting and concrete delivery technology which provides live data including self-tempering consistency, temperature, vehicle location, water addition, viscosity and rheology, time of batch, travel and discharge.

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